Why Join the Chamber?
Membership has Tangible Benefits for YOUR Business!

The Chamber receives thousands of inquiries annually, and when people call the Chamber office or request information through the Chamber website about local businesses, only Chamber members are referred. This service ensures that your business has an edge over your competitors.
The Chamber plays an active advocacy role, representing the business community’s interests in the halls of government. As a member of the Chamber, you have direct access to local, state, and federal decision-makers through Chamber representation. The clout of a unified business voice on local and state issues shapes the business environment of the future…be heard!
All members are listed on the Chamber’s website, www.fultonmontgomeryny.org, and have the benefit of a free hyperlink to their own site from the Chamber’s, as well as a mini web page that can be updated and personalized to that business. There is an opportunity for Chamber members to list job postings for their businesses, as well as “Hot Deals” that can be accessed by anyone visiting the Chamber site. The Chamber’s website enjoys an average of 47,000 hits per month, with a higher number of visits during the summer months...and the site is being accessed by people across the country, and across the globe.
Monthly networking opportunities and seminars are the perfect way to meet new contacts and expand your business.
You are invited to advertise on our website or for one of our annual signature events. This is a great, cost-effective way to promote your business.
You are invited to submit articles and information about your business for our social media pages, as well as post on our calendar of events and in other publication programs.
Sponsoring Chamber events is the perfect opportunity to advertise your business to Chamber members and the community as these events are heavily publicized, promoted, and attended.
The Chamber's health insurance partner, OneDigital, offers a variety of health insurance plans that can fit the needs of any employer or employee. Plans and contact information are listed in the Membership tab, under health insurance.
Promote your business through the Chamber website, social media platforms, and other publication programs.
The Annual Dinner, Staff Appreciation Day Luncheon, Sports Award Banquet, Student Recognition Breakfast, Business & Industry Council Breakfasts and Luncheons, Annual Golf Classic, Business After Hours -- these are just a few of the many great events that you may enjoy as a Chamber member. Some of these are free and are available ONLY to Chamber members.
Not all businesses that join a chamber are necessarily active members, but all are important. When it comes to representing the needs of the business community, there is indeed strength in numbers. Chambers of Commerce also benefit the communities they serve--on a small scale, by providing events, services, and in a larger sense, by promoting the growth and vitality of the local economy, the foundation of every community.
These are just a few of the myriad of benefits that come with being a member of our Chamber...let us tell you more! Call us at (518) 725-0641 or e-mail membership@fultonmontgomeryny.org.